Market needs

The profession of Spa and Sea Water Treatment belongs to the sector of Tourism and Hospitality, which is particularly dynamic and has been recognized worldwide the significance and importance in economic growth. This importance is even greater in countries where tourism is the most dynamically developing sector of the economy and the most promising for the future.

Spa activities evolves and takes the specific form of Spa Tourism. Good health is an important expectation of the population as part of their general welfare. It also contributes to economic prosperity through improving labor participation and productivity that becomes crucial in the context of an aging society with longer working lives. Therefore, the good health service availability has become a priority policy.


Economic Benefits:

The economic benefits for any market / country that promote this field of services and takes care of properly trained people working in this sector, will be more than one, and also very important.

  • influx of more foreign exchange after having long-stay tourism
  • new jobs by stimulating economic activity due to the development of Spa and due to initial infrastructure construction such as health infrastructure and sports facilities
  • demand for market development supporting services (hotels, restaurants, banks, etc)
  • demand for facilities and a high-level infrastructure equipment hydro therapist units (spa)

The aim is the effectively connection of vocational education and training to the needs of qualified employment imposed by the market, as well as the separation of people who are key professionals in their field and can take responsibility of their profession exercise, of those entering occasionally and without cover even basic knowledge and principles of professionalism.

Therefore, the development of specific certification scheme, the subsequent institutionalization of education and adequate legislative and validating of this profession considered to contribute greatly to the smooth functioning and development of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry.


Access Conditions

Condition for participation in the certification exam is to satisfy the minimum requirements of the level of education and physical fitness of the candidate for the relevant certification scheme, as it declares the request of the applicant for certification imposed by HSTAR certification scheme.


Swiss Approval local support and development prospective

Swiss Approval International has the experience and knowledge to further develop the Spa and Sea Water Treatment professional certification, adapted on the specific conditions and needs for different markets in different Countries, giving an authorized international seal of trust to those professionals.

